For Wednesday: Exam #1 over Gay's Mozart/Amadeus

Remember that our Exam #1 over Gay's Mozart and the film Amadeus will be on Wednesday during normal class time.  The exam will consist of two parts: 10 general information questions over Mozart's life and works, and then 6 short essay questions, of which you will have to answer 3 in a developed paragraph each. You cannot bring your book to class, since I want to see how well you read and understood the ideas from the book, film, and our discussions.

On Friday, I will introduce Jane Austen, her life, and the time she grew up in as a preface to our reading of her famous novel, Pride and Prejudice.  I will assign the first reading/questions for this novel on Friday which will be due on Monday.  Slow readers, take note: start reading now!  :)

See you on Wednesday...
