Updated Schedule and Exam #2


F 27   Zamyatin, The Lion /Inber, Lalla’s Interests/ Bulgakov, The Embroidered Towel  
M 30  Zoschenko, Dobychin, Shalamov (read all stories from each author)            

W 1     Exam #2 (in class)
F 3       No class: Scissortail Creative Writing Festival

M 6     Context: European Colonialism
          W 8     Burroughs, Tarzan
F 10     Burroughs, Tarzan / Critical Paper due (extension!)

M 13    Burroughs, Tarzan
W 15   Burroughs, Tarzan
F 17     Context: Comics and History

M 20   Satrapi, Persepolis I
W 22   Satrapi, Persepolis I
F 24     Satrapi, Persepolis II

M 27    Satrapi, Persepolis II
W 29   Wrap Up/Final Exam Discussion

Final Exam: Monday, May 6th @ 9:00

EXAM #2—Wednesday, April 1st, European Short Stories
  • Bring your two books to class: Grimms’ Fairy Tales and Russian Short Stories
  • The exam will consist of Two Parts: (1) a series of short passages from the Russian stories, which ask you to identify the author & story, and to explain the relevance of the passage, and (2) a longer essay question based on Grimms’ Fairy Tales.  You may use your books on the exam, but it helps to have read the stories before hand so you don’t have to flip around looking for the passages. 
  • Hint: go over your blog responses since many of the questions/ideas will come from them. 

ALSO: Note that I gave you a 1-week extension for your Critical Paper, now due on Friday April 10th by 5pm.  Please e-mail me with questions or concerns, or come to my office hours.  
