For Friday: Shelley, Frankenstein, Chs.5-8 and Vol.2, Chapter 1

Read the next few chapters (up to Chapter 1 in the Second Volume) and we'll have an in-class writing to discuss some of the big ideas in this section. Some ideas you might consider are:

* Why does Frankenstein create a 'monster' when he could have created anything he wanted? Why does his final creation repulse him? Didn't he see what he was creating before hand?

* How does the Creature respond to his master? Does he try to destroy him? Speak to him? How much does he understand what he is--and who Victor is?

* At one point he calls the Creature "my own vampire, my own spirit let loose from the grave, and forced to destroy all that was dear to me." Why does the Creature become his implacable foe, killing all those he loves--and especially the women in his life?

* How guilty is Victor in the deaths that follow? He wavers between blaming the Creature and then blaming himself as the "murderer." Is he? In a sense, has he killed Henry and Justine?

* What happens to Elizabeth throughout these chapters? How is she transformed by the events of the novel? What does Victor to do assist her or protect her? Why might Shelley include this in the novel? 
