
For Wednesday/Friday: Kumare = Handout

For Friday: Finish X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills + Paper #1 assignment

For Wednesday: Claremont, X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills

For Friday: Frankenstein, Volume III

For Wednesday: Shelley, Frankenstein, Chs. 6-9 and Chs. 1-2 (Vol.3)

Mary Shelley Biopic on the Horizon

For Monday: Shelley, Frankenstein, Chs. VII to (Vol 2) Ch.V

For Friday: Shelley, Frankenstein, Chs.5-8 and Vol.2, Chapter 1

For Wednesday: Shelley, Frankenstein, Letters I-IV and Chapters I-IV (pp.15-57)

For Monday: Exam #1 (Candide & Into the Wild)