
For Monday: Maus II, Chapters 3-4

For Friday: Maus II, Chapters 1-2

For Wednesday: Spiegelman's Maus I, Chs. 4-6

For Monday: Spiegelman, Chs. 1-3 "The Sheik" to "Prisoner of War"

For Monday: Any 10 poems from pp.107-153

For Friday: Hughes, Selected Poems (see below)

For Wednesday: Hughes, Selected Poems (see below)

Extra Credit: Scissortail Creative Writing Assignment

Exam #3: The Monet Audio Tour (due Friday, April 11th)

For Wednesday: Heinrich, Monet (pp.70-90)

For Monday: Heinrich, Monet (pp.44-69)

For Friday: Heinrich, Monet, pp.24-43

For Wednesday: Heinrich, Monet, pp.6-23

Revised Schedule Post Spring Break

Questions for Pride and Prejudice (2004)

For Friday: Austen, Pride and Prejudice (finish if possible!)

For Wednesday: Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Vol.3, Chs.1-8

For Monday: Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Vol. 2, Chs.4-29

For Wednesday: Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Vol.1, Ch.17 to Vol. 2, Chapter 3

For Monday: Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chs.1-16

For Wednesday: Exam #1 over Gay's Mozart/Amadeus

Close Reading Questions for Amadeus (1984, dir. Forman): due MONDAY

No Class Monday/For Wednesday

For Friday: Gay's Mozart: A Life, Chapter 8, "The Classic"

For Wednesday: Mozart: A Life, Chs.6-7

For Friday: Mozart: A Life, Chs.4-5

For Wednesday: Mozart: A Life (Chs.1-3)

For Wednesday: Respond with a Comment to the Picture Below (see questions)

Welcome to the Course